Webster's English Dictionary

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1. um.ber \'*m-b*r\ n [ME umbre, fr. MF, fr. L umbra shade, shadow, 
   grayling] : a European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) 
2. umber n [prob. fr. obs. E, shade, color, fr. ME umbre shade, shadow, fr. 
   MF, fr.]L umbra - more at UMBRAGE 1: a brown earth darker in color than 
   ocher and sienna because of its conte nt of manganese and iron oxides that 
   is highly valued as a permanent pigment either in the raw or burnt state 
   2a: a moderate to dark yellowish brown  2b: a moderate brown 
3. umber aj : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of umber; 
   specif :: of the color of umber
4. umber \-b(*-)rin\ vt or um.ber.ing : to stain umber : DARKEN