Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shad.ow \'shad-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ \'shad-o--l*s, -*-l*s\ \-.li-k\ n [ME 
   shadwe, fr. OE sceaduw-, sceadu shade, shadow] 1: shade within defined 
   bounds  2: a reflected image  3: shelter from danger or observation  4a: an 
   imperfect and faint representation  4b: an imitation of something : COPY  
   5: the image made by an obscured space on a surface that cuts across it usu 
   . representing in silhouette the form of the interposed body 6: PHANTOM  pl 
    7: DARKNESS  8: a shaded or darker portion of a picture  9: an attenuated 
   form or a vestigial remnant  10a: an inseparable companion or follower  
   10b: one that shadows as a spy or detective  11: a small degree or portion 
   : TRACE  12: influence casting a spell, gloom, or unhappiness  13a: an area 
   within or held to be within the shadow cast by an object : (MVICINITY 13b: 
   pervasive and dominant influence  - shad.ow.less aj
2. shadow \-*-w*r\ vt archaic  1: SHELTER, PROTECT  2: to cast a shadow 
   upon  obs  3: to shelter from the sun  obs  4: CONCEAL  5: to represent or 
   indicate obscurely or faintly - often used with fo rth or out 6: to follow 
   esp. secretly : TRAIL  archaic  7: SHADE  1: to shade off  2: to become 
   overcast with or as if with shadows  - shad.ow.er n
3. shadow aj 1: having form without substance {~ government}  2a: having an 
   indistinct pattern {~ plaid}  2b: having darker sections of design {~ lace}