Webster's English Dictionary

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1. un.equal \.*n-'e--kw*l, '*n-\ \-kw*-le-\ aj 1a: not of the same 
   measurement, quantity, or number as another  1b: not like or not the same 
   as another in degree, worth, or status  2: not uniform : VARIABLE, UNEVEN  
   3a: badly balanced or matched  3b: contracted between unequals {~ 
   marriages}  archaic  3c: not equable  archaic  4: not equitable : UNJUST  
   5: INADEQUATE, INSUFFICIENT {timber ~ to the strain}  - un.equal.ly av
2. unequal n : one that is not equal to another 
3. unequal av archaic  : UNEQUALLY {~ match'd -Shak.}