Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tim.ber \'tim-b*r\ \-m*n, -.man\ n [ME, fr. OE, building, wood; akin to 
   OHG zimbar room, wood, L domus] house, Gk demein to build 1: growing trees 
   or their wood {standing ~}  2: wood suitable for building or for carpentry  
   3: MATERIAL, STUFF  4a: a large squared or dressed piece of wood ready for 
   use or forming part  of a structure Brit  4b: LUMBER  4c: a curving frame 
   branching outward from the keel of a ship and bending u pward in a vertical 
   direction that is usu. composed of several pieces united : RIB - timber aj
2. timber \-b(*-)rin\ vt or tim.ber.ing : to frame, cover, or support with 