Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ven.ture \'ven-ch*r\ \'vench-(*-)rin\ vb or ven.tur.ing [ME venteren, by 
   shortening & alter. fr. aventuren, fr. aventure] adventure 1: to expose to 
   hazard : RISK  2: to undertake the risks and dangers of : BRAVE  3: to 
   offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure  : to proceed despite 
   danger : DARE 
2. venture n obs  1: FORTUNE, CHANCE  2a: an undertaking involving chance, 
   risk, or danger; esp : a specu lative business enterprise 2b: a venturesome 
   act  3: something at hazard in a speculative venture (as a trading ship or 
   its c argo) : at hazard or random  - at a venture