Webster's English Dictionary

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1. for.tune \'fo.r-ch*n\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L fortuna; akin to L fort-, 
   fors chance, luc]k, ferre to carry - more at BEAR often cap  1: a 
   hypothetical force or personified power that unpredictably determines  
   events and issues favorably or unfavorably obs  2: ACCIDENT, INCIDENT  3a: 
   favorable issue : SUCCESS  3b: good or bad luck happening to a person  4: 
   DESTINY, FATE  5a: possession of material goods : WEALTH  5b: a store of 
   material possessions 
2. fortune vt obs  1: to give good or bad fortune to  archaic  2: to 
   provide with a fortune  archaic  : HAPPEN, CHANCE