Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. desire                 2. poverty               
1. want \'wo.nt; "want to" is often 'wo.-n*\ vb [ME wanten, fr. ON vanta; 
   akin to OE wan deficient] 1: to fail to possess : LACK  2a1: to desire 
   earnestly {~s to be home}  2a2: CRAVE  2b: to be inclined to : LIKE  3: 
   NEED, REQUIRE  4: to suffer from the lack of  5: to wish or demand the 
   presence of  1: to be deficient or short {it ~s three minutes to twelve> 2: 
   to be needy or destitute  3: to have or feel need : LONG {never ~s for 
   friends } 4: to be necessary or needed 
2. want n 1a: the quality or state of lacking a required or usual amount  
   1b: dire need : DESTITUTION  2: something wanted : NEED, DESIRE  3: 
   personal defect : FAULT