Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. desire                
1. wish \'wish\ vb [ME wisshen, fr. OE wy-scan; akin to OHG wunsken to 
   wish,]L venus love, charm - more at WIN 1: to have a desire for : CRAVE  2: 
   to invoke upon : BID {~ him good night}  3a: to give form to (a wish)  3b: 
   to express a wish for  3c: to request in the form of a wish : ORDER  4: to 
   confer (something unwanted) upon : FOIST  1: to have a desire : WANT  2: to 
   make a wish  - wish.er n
2. wish n 1a: an act or instance of wishing or desire : WANT  1b: an object 
   of desire : GOAL  2a: an expressed will or desire : MANDATE  2b: a request 
   or command couched as a wish  3: an invocation of good or evil fortune on 