Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pleasant              
1. wel.come \'wel-k*m\ ij [ME, alter. of wilcume, fr. OE, fr. wilcuma 
   desirable guest; akin t]o OHG willicomo desirable guest; prob. both fr. a 
   prehistoric WGmc compound whose constituents are represented by OE willa, 
   will desire and by OE cuma guest; akin to OE cuman to come - more at WILL, 
   COME : - used to express a greeting to a guest or newcomer upon his arrival 
2. welcome vt 1: to greet hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality  2: to 
   accept with pleasure the occurrence of {~s danger}  - wel.com.er n
3. welcome aj 1: received gladly into one's presence or companionship  2: 
   giving pleasure : received with gladness or delight esp. in response  to a 
   need 3: willingly permitted or admitted  - wel.come.ly av
4. welcome n : a cordial greeting or reception upon arrival