Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adapt                  2. contain               
ac.com.mo.date \*-'ka:m-*-.da-t\ \-.da-t-iv\ vb [L accommodatus, pp. of 
   accommodare, fr. ad- + commodareX to make fit, fr. commodus suitable - more 
   at COMMODE 1: to make fit, suitable, or congruous : ADAPT  2: to bring into 
   agreement or concord : RECONCILE  3: to furnish with something desired, 
   needed, or suited :  3a: to grant a loan to esp. without security  3b: to 
   provide with lodgings : HOUSE  3c: to make room for  3d: to hold without 
   crowding or inconvenience  : to adapt oneself; specif : to undergo 
   accommodation  - ac.com.mo.da.tive aj