Webster's English Dictionary

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ac.com.mo.da.tion \*-.ka:m-*-'da--sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1: something 
   supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need : as  1a: lodging, food, and 
   services or seat, berth, or other space occupied together with services 
   available - usu. used in pl. 1b: a public conveyance (as a train) that 
   stops at all or nearly all points  1c: LOAN  2: the act of accommodating : 
   the state of being accommodated : as  2a: the provision of what is needed 
   or desired for convenience  2b: ADAPTATION, ADJUSTMENT  2c: an adjustment 
   of differences : SETTLEMENT  2d: the automatic adjustment of the eye for 
   seeing at different distances effected chiefly by changes in the convexity 
   of the crystalline lens; also : the range over which such adjustment is 
   possible - ac.com.mo.da.tion.al aj