Webster's English Dictionary

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ami.a.ble \'a--me--*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL amicabilis 
   friendly, fr. L amicus friend; akin]to L amare to love archaic  1: 
   PLEASING, ADMIRABLE  obs  2a: AMOROUS  2b: generally agreeable  2c: having 
   a friendly, sociable, and congenial disposition  implies having qualities 
   that make one liked and easy to deal with or live with; GOOD-NATURED 
   implies a cheerful desire to please or to be helpful and sometimes a 
   willingness to be imposed upon; OBLIGING stresses a friendly readiness to 
   be helpful; COMPLAISANT implies a courteous or amiable desire to please and 
   sometimes suggests a weak lack of resistance - ami.a.ble.ness n SYN syn