Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. comfortable           
1. easy \'e--ze-\ aj [ME esy, fr. OF aaisie`, pp. of aaisier to ease, fr. 
   a-X ad- (fr. L ad-) + aise ease 1: causing or involving little difficulty 
   or discomfort {~ problem } 2a: not severe : LENIENT  2b: not steep or 
   abrupt {~ slope}  2c: not difficult to endure or undergo {~ penalty}  2d: 
   readily prevailed on {~ prey}  2e1: plentiful in supply at low or declining 
   interest rates {~ mon ey} 2e2: less in demand and usu. lower in price 
   {bonds were easier}  2f: read and understood without difficulty {~ 
   language}  3a: marked by peace and comfort {~ life}  3b: not hurried or 
   strenuous {~ pace}  4a: free from pain, annoyance, or anxiety  4b: marked 
   by social ease {~ manners}  4c: showing a disinclination to energetic 
   individual action or resolute in dependent thought {~ disposition} 5a: 
   giving ease, comfort, or relaxation {~ furniture}  5b: PLEASING, PLEASANT 
   {~ circumstances}  5c: fitting comfortably {an ~ shoe}  5d: marked by ready 
   facility {~ flowing style}  5e: felt or attained to readily, naturally, and 
   spontaneously {~ e motions}M, SMOOTH mean not demanding effort or involving 
   difficulty. EASY is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks 
   or to activity required by such tasks; FACILE often adds to EASY the 
   connotation of undue haste or shallowness; SIMPLE stresses ease in 
   understanding or dealing with because lacking in intricacy; LIGHT stresses 
   freedom from what is burdensome, and often suggest quickness of movement; 
   EFFORTLESS stresses the appearance of ease and usu. implies the prior 
   attainment of artistry or expertness; SMOOTH stresses the absence or 
   removal of all difficulties or hardships or obstacles SYN syn EASY, FACILE,