Webster's English Dictionary

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ap.po.si.tion \.ap-*-'zish-*n\ \-'zish-n*l, -*n-*l\ \-e-\ n 1a: a 
   grammatical construction in which two typically adjacent nouns referring 
   to the same person or thing stand in the same syntactical relation to the 
   rest of a sentence (as the poet and Burns in "a biography of the poet 
   Burns") 1b: the relation of one of such a pair of nouns or noun equivalents 
   to the other 2a: an act or instance of apposing; specif : the deposition 
   of succ essive layers upon those already present (as in cell walls) 2b: the 
   state of being apposed  - ap.po.si.tion.al aj