Webster's English Dictionary

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ad.ja.cent \*-'ja-s-*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF or L; fr. L adjacent-, adjacens, 
   prp. of adjace-r]e to lie near, fr. ad- + jace-re to lie; akin to L jacere 
   to throw - more at JET 1a: not distant : NEARBY  1b: having a common border 
   : ABUTTING  1c: immediately preceding or following  of two angles  2: 
   having a common vertex and side an being in close proximity. ADJACENT may 
   or may not imply contact but always implies absence of anything of the same 
   kind in between; ADJOINING definitely implies meeting and touching at some 
   point or line; CONTIGUOUS implies having contact on all or most of one 
   side; ABUTTING suggests having a contact with something else at a boundary 
   or dividing line - ad.ja.cent.ly av SYN syn ADJACENT, ADJOINING,