Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assault               
bat.tery \'bat-*-re-, 'ba-tre-\ n 1a: the act of battering or beating  1b: 
   the unlawful beating or use of force upon a person without his consent  2a: 
   a grouping of artillery pieces for tactical purposes  2b: the guns of a 
   warship  3: an artillery unit in the army equivalent to a company  4a: a 
   combination of apparatus for producing a single electrical effect  4b: a 
   group of two or more cells connected together to furnish electric cur rent; 
   also : a single cell that furnishes electric current 5a: a number of 
   similar articles, items, or devices arranged, connected, or  used together 
   : SET, SERIES 5b: an impressive or imposing group : ARRAY  6: the position 
   of readiness of a gun for firing  7: the pitcher and catcher of a baseball 