Webster's English Dictionary

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1. team \'te-m\ n [ME teme, fr. OE te-am offspring, lineage, group of draft 
   animal]s; akin to OE te-on to draw, pull - more at TOW obs  1: LINEAGE, 
   RACE  2: a group of animals : as  2a: a brood esp. of young pigs or ducks  
   2b: a matched group of animals for exhibition  3a: two or more draft 
   animals harnessed to the same vehicle or implement; (Xalso : these with 
   their harness and attached vehicle 3b: a draft animal often with harness 
   and vehicle  3c: a drawn vehicle (as a wagon)  4: a number of persons 
   associated together in work or activity : as  4a: a group on one side in a 
   match  4b: CREW, GANG 
2. team vt 1: to yoke or join in a team  2: to convey or haul with a team  
   1: to drive a team or motor-truck  2: to form a team {~ up together} 
3. team aj : of or performed by a team