Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. prevailing             2. tendency              
1. cur.rent \'k*r-*nt, 'k*-r*nt\ aj [ME curraunt, fr. OF curant, prp of 
   courre to run, fr. L c]urrere archaic  1a: RUNNING, FLOWING  1b1: presently 
   elapsing  1b2: occurring in or belonging to the present time  1b3: most 
   recent {~ issue}  2: used as a medium of exchange  3: generally accepted, 
   used, or practiced  - cur.rent.ly av
2. current n 1a: the part of a fluid body moving continuously in a certain 
   direction  1b: the swiftest part of a stream  1c: a tidal or nontidal 
   movement of lake or ocean water  1d: flow marked by force or strenth  2: 
   flux of forces : TREND  3: a movement of electricity analogous to the flow 
   of a stream of water; Xalso : the rate of such movement