Webster's English Dictionary

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1. be.lay \bi-'la-\ vb [ME beleggen to beset, fr. OE belecgan, fr. be- + 
   lecganX to lay 1a: to secure (as a rope) by turns around a cleat, pin, or 
   bitt  1b: to make fast  2: STOP  3a: to secure (a person) at the end of a 
   rope  3b: to secure (a rope) to a person or object  1: to be made fast  2: 
   STOP, QUIT  3: to make fast by belaying 
2. belay n 1: the obtaining of a hold (as for a rope) during mountain 
   climbing; als o : a method of obtaining such a hold 2: something to which a 
   mountain climber's rope is anchored