Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pin \'pin\ n [ME, fr. OE pinn; akin to OHG pfinn peg] 1a: a piece of 
   wood or metal used esp. for fastening separate articles toge ther or as a 
   support by which one article may be suspended from another obs  1b: the 
   center peg of a target; also : the center itself  1c1: one of the wooden 
   pieces constituting the target in various games (as  bowling) 1c2: the peg 
   at which a quoit is pitched  1c3: the staff of the flag marking a hole on a 
   golf course  1d: a peg for regulating the tension of the strings of a 
   musical instrument  1e: the part of a key stem that enters a lock  1f1: 
   THOLE  1f2: a belaying pin  2a1: a small pointed piece of wire with a head 
   used for fastening clothes o r attaching papers 2a2: something of small 
   value : TRIFLE  2b: an ornament or emblem fastened to clothing with a pin  
   2c1: BOBBY PIN  2c2: HAIRPIN  2c3: SAFETY PIN  3: LEG {wobbly on his ~s} 
2. pin vt or pinned;  or pin.ning 1a: to fasten, join, or secure with a pin 
    1b: to press together and hold fast  2a: ATTACH, HANG {pinned his hopes on 
   a miracle}  2b: to assign the blame or responsibility for {~ the robbery on 
   a  night watchman}
3. pin aj 1: of or relating to a pin  of leather  2: having a grain 
   suggesting the heads of pins