Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rope \'ro-p\ n [ME, fr. OE ra-p; akin to OHG reif hoop] 1a: a large 
   stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided toge ther 1b: a 
   long slender strip of material used as rope {rawhide ~}  1c: a hangman's 
   noose  2: a row or string consisting of things united by or as if by 
   braiding, twi ning, or threading
2. rope vt 1a: to bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord  1b: to 
   partition, separate, or divide by a rope {~ off the street)> 1c: LASSO  2: 
   to draw as if with a rope : LURE  : to take the form of or twist in the 
   manner of rope  - rop.er n