Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ber.ry \'ber-e-, esp in compounds in which a stressed syllable 
   immediately prece\ n [ME berye, fr. OE berie; akin to OHG beri berry]des 
   Brit often & US sometimes b(*-)re- 1a: a pulpy and usu. edible fruit (as a 
   strawberry, raspberry, or checkerbe rry) of small size irrespective of its 
   structure 1b: a simple fruit (as a currant, grape, tomato, or banana) with 
   a pulpy or  fleshy pericarp 1c: the dry seed of some plants (as coffee)  2: 
   an egg of a fish or lobster 
2. ber.ry \'ber-e-\ vi 1: to bear or produce berries {~ing wheat}  2: to 
   gather or seek berries