Webster's English Dictionary

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1. seed \'se-d\ \-.bed\ \-*d\ \-l*s\ n or seed or seeds [ME, fr. OE 
   s-d; akin to OHG sa-t seed, OE sa-] pl wan to sow - more at SOW 1a1: 
   the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing  1a2: the fertilized 
   ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo  and capable 
   normally of germination to produce a new plant; broadly : a propagative 
   plant structure (as a spore or small dry fruit) 1b: a propagative animal 
   structure :  1b1: MILT, SEMEN  1b2: a small egg (as of an insect)  1b3: a 
   developmental form of a lower animal suitable for transplanting;  specif : 
   SPAT 1c: the condition or stage of bearing seed {in ~}  2: PROGENY  3: a 
   source of development or growth : GERM {sowed the ~ s of discord} 4: 
   something that resembles a seed in shape or size (as a small bubble in g 
   lass) - seed aj
2. seed vi 1: to sow seed : PLANT  2: to bear or shed seed  1a: to plant 
   seeds in : SOW {~ land to grass}  1b: to furnish with something that causes 
   or stimulates growth or developm ent 1c: INOCULATE  1d: NUCLEATE; esp : to 
   treat (a cloud) with solid particles  to convert water droplets into ice 
   crystals in an attempt to produce precipitation 2: PLANT  3: to extract the 
   seeds from (as raisins)  4: to schedule (tournament players or teams) so 
   that superior ones will no t meet in early rounds