Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. common wheat          
wheat \'hwe-t, 'we-t\ n [ME whete, fr. OE hw-te; akin to OHG weizzi 
   wheat] often attrib , hwi-z, wi-z white - more at WHITE 1: a cereal grain 
   that yields a fine white flour, is the chief breadstuff o f temperate 
   climates, is used also in pastes (as macaroni or spaghetti), and is 
   important in animal feeds esp. as bran or middlings 2: any of various 
   grasses (genus Triticum) of wide climatic adaptabil ity that are cultivated 
   in most temperate areas for the wheat they yield; esp : an annual cereal 
   grass (T. aestivum) known only as a cultigen