Webster's English Dictionary

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1. brood \'bru:d\ n [ME, fr. OE bro-d; akin to OE beorma yeast - more at 
   BARMM 1: the young of an animal or a family of young; esp : the young (as  
   of a bird or insect) hatched or cared for at one time 2: a group of similar 
   nature or origin 
2. brood \-in-le-\ vt 1a: to sit on or incubate (eggs)  1b: to produce by 
   or as if by incubation : HATCH  of a bird  2: to cover (young) with the 
   wings  3: to think anxiously or moodily upon : PONDER  of a bird  1a: to 
   brood eggs or young  1b: to sit quietly and thoughtfully  2: HOVER, LOOM  
   3a: to dwell moodily on a subject  3b: to be in a state of depression  - 
   brood.ing.ly av
3. brood aj : kept for breeding {~ mare ~ flock}