Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hatch \'hach\ n [ME hache, fr. OE hc; akin to MD hecke trapdoor] 1: 
   a small door or opening (as in an airplane) {an escape ~}  2a: an opening 
   in the deck of a ship or in the floor or roof of a building  2b: the 
   covering for such an opening  2c: HATCHWAY  2d: COMPARTMENT  3: FLOODGATE 
2. hatch \.hach-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'hach-*-b*l\ vb [ME hacchen; akin to MHG 
   hecken to mate] 1: to produce young by incubation  2: to emerge from an egg 
   or chrysalis  3: to incubate eggs : BROOD  1: to produce (young) from an 
   egg by applying natural or artificial heat :: INCUBATE 2: to bring into 
   being : ORIGINATE; esp : to concoct in se cret - hatch.abil.i.ty n
3. hatch n 1: an act or instance of hatching  2: a brood of hatched young 
4. hatch vt [ME hachen, fr. MF hacher to inlay, chop up] 1: to inlay in 
   fine lines  2: to mark with fine closely spaced lines 
5. hatch n : STROKE, LINE; esp : one used to give the effect of s hading