Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cream \'kre-m\ \'kre--me-\ n [ME creime, creme, fr. MF craime, cresme, 
   fr. LL cra] often attrib mum, of Celt origin; akin to W cramen scab 1: the 
   yellowish part of milk containing from 18 to about 40 percent butter fat 
   2a: a food prepared with cream  2b: something the consistency of cream  2c: 
   a usu. emulsified medicinal or cosmetic preparation  3: the choicest part  
   4: CREAMER  5a: a pale yellow  5b: a cream-colored animal  - creamy aj
2. cream vi 1: to form cream or a surface layer like the cream on standing 
   milk  2: to break into or cause something to break into a creamy froth; 
   also)X : to move like froth 1a: SKIM  1b1: to take the choicest part of  
   1b2: to take off (the choicest part)  2: to furnish, prepare, or treat with 
   cream; also : to dress with  a cream sauce 3a: to beat into a creamy froth  
   3b: to work or blend to the consistency of cream  3c: to drub thoroughly; 
   also : WRECK  4: to cause to form a surface layer of or like cream