Webster's English Dictionary

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cal.o.rie also cal.o.ry \'kal-(*-)re-\ n [F calorie, fr. L calor heat, fr. 
   cale-re to be warm - m]ore at LEE 1a: the amount of heat required at a 
   pressure of one atmosphere to raise th e temperature of one gram of water 
   one degree centigrade - called also gram calorie, small calorie 1b: the 
   amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of  water 
   one degree centigrade : 1000 gram calories or 3.968 BTU - called also 
   kilogram calorie, large calorie 2a: a unit equivalent to the large calorie 
   expressing heat-producing or ene rgy-producing value in food when oxidized 
   in the body 2b: an amount of food having an energy-producing value of one 
   large calorie