Webster's English Dictionary

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1. warm \'wo.(*)rm\ aj [ME, fr. OE wearm; akin to OHG warm warm, L formus, 
   Gk the]rmos warm, hot 1a: having heat to a moderate degree  1b: having the 
   heat appropriate to a living warm-blooded animal  1c: sending or giving out 
   heat : WARMING  1d: tending to maintain or preserve heat esp. to a 
   satisfactory degree { a ~ sweater} 1e1: feeling or causing sensations of 
   heat brought about by strenuous exer tion 1e2: ready for action after 
   preliminary exercise  2: comfortably established : SECURE  3a: ARDENT, 
   ZEALOUS  3b: marked by excitement, disagreement, temper, or anger  4a1: 
   readily showing or reacting to love, affection, or gratitude  4a2: giving 
   rise to a feeling of love, tenderness, or well-being  4b: AMOROUS, 
   PASSIONATE  5: accompanied or marked by extreme danger, duress, or pain  
   6a: newly made : FRESH {a ~ scent}  6b: near to a goal  7: having the color 
   or tone of something that imparts heat; specif :: of a hue in the range 
   yellow through orange to red - warm.ly av
2. warm vt 1: to make warm  2a: to infuse with a feeling of love, 
   friendship, well-being, or pleasure  2b: to fill with anger, zeal, or 
   passion  2c: to impart life, color, or zest to  3: to reheat (cooked food) 
   for eating - often used with over  4: to make ready for operation or 
   performance by preliminary exercise or o peration - often used with up 1: 
   to become warm  2a: to become ardent or interested  2b: to become filled 
   with affection or love - used with to or t oward 3: to experience feelings 
   of pleasure : BASK  4: to become ready for operation or performance by 
   preliminary activity 
3. warm av : WARMLY - usu. used in combination {warm-clad} {w arm-tinted}