care.ful \-f*l\ \-f(*-)le-\ \-f*l-n*s\ aj archaic 1a: SOLICITOUS, ANXIOUS
1b: filling with care or solicitude 2: exercising or taking care 3a:
marked by attentive concern and solicitude 3b: marked by wary caution or
prudence 3c: marked by painstaking effort mean showing close attention to
details of behavior or performance. CAREFUL implies attentiveness and
cautiousness in avoiding mistakes; METICULOUS may imply either commendable
extreme carefulness or hampering finical caution over minutiae; SCRUPULOUS
applies to painstaking attention to what is proper or fitting or ethical;
PUNCTILIOUS implies minute often excessive attention to fine points - av SYN syn CAREFUL, METICULOUS, SCRUPULOUS, PUNCTILIOUS