Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cave \'ka-v\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L cava, fr. cavus hollow; akin to ON 
   hu-nnX cub, Gk kyein to be pregnant, koilos hollow, Skt s'vayati he swells 
   1: a natural underground chamber open to the surface  Brit  2: a secession 
   or a group of seceders from a political party 
2. cave vt : to form a cave in or under : HOLLOW, UNDERMINE 
3. cave \'ka-v\ vb [prob. alter. of calve] 1: to fall in or down esp. from 
   being undermined  2: to cease to resist : SUBMIT - usu. used with in  : to 
   cause to fall or collapse - usu. used with in