1. col.lapse \k*-'laps\ \-.lap-s*-'bil-*t-e-\ \-'lap-s*-b*l\ vb [L
collapsus, pp. of collabi, fr. com- + labi to fall,]slide - more at SLEEP
1: to break down completely : DISINTEGRATE 2: to fall or shrink together
abruptly and completely 3: to cave or fall in or give way 4: to suddenly
lose force, significance, effectiveness, or worth 5: to break down in
vital energy, stamina, or self-control through exhaust ion or disease; esp
: to fall helpless or unconscious 6: to fold down into a more compact shape
: to cause to collapse - col.laps.ibil.i.ty n
2. collapse n : the act or an instance of collapsing : BREAKDOWN