Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cham.ber \'cha-m-b*r\ \-b*rd\ n [ME chambre, fr. OF, fr. LL camera, fr. 
   L, arched roof, fr. Gk k]amara vault; akin to L camur curved 1: ROOM; esp : 
   BEDROOM  2: a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity  3a: a hall 
   for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial bod y 3b: a 
   room where a judge transacts business  3c: the reception room of a person 
   of rank or authority  4a: a legislative or judicial body; esp : either of 
   the houses of a  bicameral legislature 4b: a voluntary board or council  
   5a: the part of the bore of a gun that holds the charge  5b: a compartment 
   in the cartridge cylinder of a revolver  - cham.bered aj
2. chamber \-b(*-)rin\ vt or cham.ber.ing 1: to place in or as if in a 
   chamber : HOUSE  2: to furnish with a chamber {~ed corridors}  3: to serve 
   as a chamber for; esp : to accommodate in the chamber 
3. chamber aj : intended for performance by a few musicians for a small 
   audience {@ music}