Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cen.sor \'sen(t)-s*r\ \sen-'so-r-e--*l, -'so.r-\ n [L, fr. cense-re to 
   assess, tax; akin to Skt s'am.sati he]recites 1: one of two magistrates of 
   early Rome acting as census takers, assessors,  and inspectors of morals 
   and conduct 2a: an official who examines publications for objectionable 
   matter  2b: an official who reads communications and deletes forbidden 
   material  archaic  3: a faultfinding critic  4: the psychic agency that 
   represses unacceptable notions before they reach  consciousness - 
   cen.so.ri.al aj
2. censor \'sen(t)s-(*-)rin\ vt or cen.sor.ing : to subject to censorship