Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tax \'taks\ \.tak-s*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'tak-s*-b*l\ vt [ME taxen to estimate, 
   assess, tax, fr. MF taxer, fr. ML taxare)X, fr. L, to feel, estimate, 
   censure, freq. of tangere to touch - more at TANGENT 1: to assess or 
   determine judicially the amount of (costs in a court actio n) 2: to levy a 
   tax on  obs  3: to enter in a list  4: CHARGE, ACCUSE; also : CENSURE  5: 
   to place under onerous and rigorous demands  - tax.abil.i.ty n
2. tax n 1a: a usu. pecuniary charge imposed by authority upon persons or 
   property f or public purposes 1b: a sum levied on members of an 
   organization to defray expenses  2: a heavy charge : STRAIN