Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cer.tif.i.cate \(.)s*r-'tif-i-k*t\ n [ME certificat, fr. MF, fr. ML 
   certificatum, fr. LL, neut. of ce]rtificatus, pp. of certificare to certify 
   1: a document containing a certified statement esp. as to the truth; spe 
   cif : a document certifying that one has fulfilled the requirements of and 
   may practice in a field 2: something serving the end of a certificate  3: a 
   document evidencing ownership or debt 
2. cer.tif.i.cate \-'tif-*-.ka-t\ \(.)s*r-'tif-i-k*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vt : 
   to testify to, furnish with, or authorize by a certificate  - 
   cer.tif.i.ca.to.ry aj