1. cheer \'chi(*)r\ n [ME chere face, cheer, fr. OF, face] obs 1a: FACE
archaic 1b: facial expression 2: state of mind or heart : SPIRIT 3:
ANIMATION, GAIETY 4: hospitable entertainment : WELCOME 5: food and drink
for a feast : FARE 6: something that gladdens 7: a shout of applause or
2. cheer vt 1a: to arouse to hope or courage when dejected : COMFORT 1b:
to make glad or happy 2: to urge on or encourage esp. by shouts 3: to
applaud with shouts obs 1: to be mentally or emotionally disposed 2: to
grow or be cheerful : REJOICE - usu. used with up 3: to utter a shout of
applause or triumph