Webster's English Dictionary

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1. face \'fa-s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL facia, fr. L facies make, 
   form, face,] often attrib  fr. facere to make, do - more at DO 1: the front 
   part of the human head including the chin, mouth, nose, cheeks , eyes, and 
   usu. the forehead archaic  2: PRESENCE, SIGHT  3a: facial expression  3b: 
   GRIMACE  4a: outward appearance  4b: DISGUISE, PRETENSE  4c1: ASSURANCE, 
   front, upper, or outer surface  5a2: the front of something having two or 
   four sides  5a3: FACADE  5a4: an exposed surface of rock  5a5: any of the 
   plane surfaces that bound a geometric solid  5b: a surface specially 
   prepared : as  5b1: the principal dressed surface (as of a disk)  5b2: the 
   right side (as of cloth or leather)  5b3: an inscribed, printed, or marked 
   side  5c1: the surface (as of type) that receives the ink and transfers it 
   to the  paper 5c2: any style of type  6: the end or wall of a mine tunnel, 
   drift, or excavation at which work is  progressinge the front part of the 
   head from forehead to chin. FACE is the simple, direct, but also the 
   inclusive term; COUNTENANCE applies to a face as seen and as revealing a 
   mood or attitude; VISAGE suggests attention to shape and proportions and 
   sometimes expression; PHYSIOGNOMY suggests attention to the contours and 
   characteristic expression as indicative of race, temperament, or qualities 
   of mind or character SYN syn FACE, COUNTENANCE, VISAGE, PHYSIOGNOMY denot 
2. face vt 1: to confront impudently  2a: to line near the edge esp. with a 
   different material  2b: to cover the front or surface of {faced the 
   building with marb le} 3: to bring face to face  4a: to stand or sit with 
   the face toward  4b: to front on  5a: to oppose firmly  5b: to master by 
   confronting with determination  6: to turn face upward  7: to make the 
   surface of (as a stone) flat or smooth  8: to cause (troops) to face in a 
   particular direction on command  1: to have the face or front turned in a 
   specified direction  2: to turn the face in a specified direction