Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. stick                  2. tear                  
1. cleave \'kle-v\ \'kle-vd\ \'klo-v\ \'kla-v\ vi or cleaved or clove also 
   clave;  also cleav.ing [ME clevien, fr. OE clifian] : ADHERE, CLING 
2. cleave \'kle-vd\ \'kleft\ \'klo-v\ \'klo--v*n\ vb or cleaved also cleft 
   also clove;  also cleaved;  also cleft;  also clo.ven also cleav.ing [ME 
   cleven, fr. OE cle-ofan; akin to ON klju-fa to spli]t, L glubere to peel, 
   Gk glyphein to carve 1: to divide by or as if by a cutting blow : SPLIT  2: 
   to separate into distinct parts and esp. into groups having divergent v 
   iews 1: to split esp. along the grain  2: to penetrate or pass through 
   something by or as if by cutting