Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. grain \'gra-n\ \'gra-nd\ n [ME, partly fr. MF grain cereal grain, fr. L 
   granum; partly fr. MF]graine seed, kermes, fr. L grana, pl. of granum - 
   more at CORN obs  1a1: a single small hard seed  1a2: a seed or fruit of a 
   cereal grass  1b: the seeds or fruits of various food plants including the 
   cereal grasses  and in commercial and statutory usage other plants 1c: 
   plants producing grain  2a: a small hard particle or crystal  2b: a minute 
   portion or particle  2c: fine crystallization  3a: kermes or a scarlet dye 
   made from it  3b: cochineal or a brilliant scarlet dye made from it  3c: a 
   fast dye  archaic  3d: COLOR, TINT  4a: a granulated surface or appearance  
   4b: the outer or hair side of a skin or hide  5: a unit of weight based on 
   the weight of a grain of wheat taken as an ave rage of the weight of grains 
   from the middle of the ear 6a: the stratification of the wood fibers in a 
   piece of wood  6b: a texture due to constituent particles or fibers  7: 
   tactile quality  8a: natural disposition : TEMPER  8b: basic quality or 
   kind  : SKEPTICALLY {take his predictions with a grain of salt}  - grained 
2. grain vt 1: INGRAIN  2: to form into grains : GRANULATE  3: to paint in 
   imitation of the grain of wood or stone  : to become granular : GRANULATE  
   - grain.er n