1. tear \'ti(*)r\ \'ti(y)r-e-\ n [ME, fr. OE thher, te-ar; akin to OHG
zahar tear,] L dacruma, lacrima, Gk dakry 1a: a drop of clear saline fluid
secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffuse d between the eye and eyelids to
moisten the parts and facilitate their motion pl 1b: the secretion of
profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face pl 2: an act
of weeping or grieving 3: a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid
matter (as resin) - teary aj
2. tear vi : to shed tears
3. tear \'ta(*)r, 'te(*)r\ \'to-(*)r, 'to.(*)r\ \'to-(*)rn, 'to.(*)rn\ vb
or tore; or torn or tear.ing [ME teren, fr. OE teran; akin to OHG zeran to
destroy, Gk ]derein to skin 1: to separate parts of or pull apart by force
: REND; also : LACERATE {~ the skin} 2: to divide or disrupt by the pull
of contrary forces {a mind tornX with doubts} 3: to remove by force :
WRENCH 4: to make or effect by or as if by tearing {~ a hole in the wall)>
1: to separate on being pulled : REND 2: to move or act with violence,
haste, or force E mean to separate forcibly. TEAR implies pulling apart by
main force and leaving jagged edges; RIP implies a pulling apart in one
rapid uninterrupted motion often along a seam or joint; REND is rhetorical
and implies very violent or ruthless severing or sundering; SPLIT suggests
a forceful but often precise separating in the direction of grain or
layers; CLEAVE implies very forceful splitting or cutting with a blow; RIVE
suggests action rougher and more violent than split or cleave - tear.er n
4. tear \'ta(*)r, 'te(*)r\ n 1a: the act of tearing 1b: damage from being
torn; esp : a hole or flaw made by tearing :: RENT 2a: a tearing pace :
HURRY 2b: SPREE {go on a ~}