Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stick \'stik\ n [ME stik, fr. OE sticca; akin to ON stik stick, OE 
   stician] to stick 1: a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub : as  1a: a 
   usu. dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or slender branch  1b: a cut or 
   broken branch or piece of wood gathered for fuel or constructi on material 
   2: a long slender piece of wood : as  2a1: a club or staff used as a weapon 
    2a2: something suitable for use in compelling  2b: WALKING STICK  2c: any 
   implement used for striking or propelling an object in a game  2d: a baton 
   symbolizing an office or dignity; also : a person entit led to bear such a 
   baton 3: a piece of the materials composing something (as a building)  4: 
   any of various implements resembling a stick in shape, origin, or use :  as 
   4a1: COMPOSING STICK  4a2: STICKFUL  4b: an airplane lever operating the 
   elevators and ailerons  4c: the gearshift lever of an automobile  5a: 
   PERSON, CHAP  5b: a dull, inert, stiff, or spiritless person  pl  6: wooded 
   or rural districts {a hick from the ~s}  7: an herbaceous stalk resembling 
   a woody stick {celery ~s}  8: MAST; also : YARD  9: a piece of furniture  
   10: a number of bombs arranged for release from a bombing plane in a series 
    across a target
2. stick vt 1: to arrange (lumber) in stacks  2: to provide a stick as a 
   support for  3: to set (type) in a composing stick : COMPOSE 
3. stick \'st*k\ vb or stuck;  or stuck or stick.ing [ME stikken, fr. OE 
   stician; akin to OHG sticken to prick, L]instigare to urge on, goad, Gk 
   stizein to tattoo 1a: to pierce with something pointed : STAB  1b: to kill 
   by piercing  2: to push or thrust so as or as if to pierce  3a: to fasten 
   by thrusting in  3b: IMPALE  3c: PUSH, THRUST  4: to put or set in a 
   specified place or position  5: to furnish with things fastened on by or as 
   if by piercing  6: to attach by or as if by causing to adhere to a surface  
   7a: to compel to pay esp. by trickery  7b: OVERCHARGE  8a: to halt the 
   movement or action of  8b: BAFFLE, STUMP  9a: CHEAT, DEFRAUD  9b: to saddle 
   with something disadvantageous or disagreeable  1: to hold to something 
   firmly by or as if by adhesion :  1a: to become fixed in place by means of 
   a pointed end  1b: to become fast by or as if by miring or by gluing or 
   plastering { stuck in the mud} 2a: to remain in a place, situation, or 
   environment  2b: to hold fast or adhere resolutely : CLING  2c: to remain 
   effective  2d: to keep close to in a chase or competition  3: to become 
   blocked, wedged, or jammed  4a: BALK, SCRUPLE  4b: to find oneself baffled  
   4c: to be unable to proceed  5: PROJECT, PROTRUDE ean to become closely 
   attached. STICK implies attachment by affixing or by being glued together; 
   ADHERE implies a growing together or figuratively a deliberate accepting; 
   COHERE suggests a sticking together of parts so that they form a unified 
   mass; CLING implies attachment by hanging on with arms or tendrils; CLEAVE 
   stresses strength of attachment SYN syn STICK, ADHERE, COHERE, CLING, 
   CLEAVE m 
4. stick n 1: a thrust with a pointed instrument : STAB  2a: DELAY, STOP  
   2b: IMPEDIMENT  3: adhesive quality or substance