Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. tear                  
1. split \'split\ vb or split;  or split.ting [D splitten, fr. MD; akin to 
   OHG spaltan to split - more at SP]ILL 1a: to divide lengthwise usu. along a 
   grain or seam or by layers  1b: to affect as if by cleaving or forcing 
   apart  2a1: to tear or rend apart : BURST  2a2: to subject (an atom or 
   atomic nucleus) to artificial disintegration e sp. by fission 2b: to affect 
   as if by breaking up or tearing apart : SHATTER  3: to divide into parts or 
   portions : as  3a: to divide between persons : SHARE  3b: to divide into 
   factions, parties, or groups  3c: to mark (a ballot) or cast or register (a 
   vote) so as to vote for cand idates of different parties 3d1: to divide or 
   break down (a chemical compound) into constituents {R@ a fat into glycerol 
   and fatty acids} 3d2: to remove by such separation {~ off carbon dioxide}  
   3e: to divide (stock) by issuing a larger number of shares to existing sha 
   reholders usu. without increase in total par value 4: to separate (the 
   parts of a whole) by interposing something {~  an infinitive} 1a: to become 
   split lengthwise or into layers  1b: to break apart : BURST  2a: to become 
   divided up or separated off {~ into factions}  2b: to sever relations or 
   connections : SEPARATE  3: to apportion shares  : to make oversubtle or 
   trivial distinctions  - split.ter n
2. split n 1a: a narrow break made by or as if by splitting  1b: a position 
   of bowling pins left standing with space for pins between th em 2: a piece 
   split off or made thin by splitting  3a: a division into or between 
   divergent or antagonistic elements or forces  3b: a faction formed in this 
   way  4a: the act or process of splitting  4b: a lowering oneself to the 
   floor or leaping into the air with legs exten ded at right angles to the 
   trunk 5: a product of division by or as if by splitting  6: a bottle of 
   half the size of the usual small bottle for a drink  7: a sweet composed of 
   sliced fruit (as banana), ice cream, nuts, and syrup s
3. split aj 1: DIVIDED, FRACTURED  2: prepared for use by splitting {~ 
   bamboo ~ hides}  3: HETEROZYGOUS