Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sock \'sa:k\ \'sa:ks\ n or socks;  or sox [ME socke, fr. OE socc, fr. L 
   soccus] pl  archaic  1: a low shoe or slipper  pl  2: a knitted or woven 
   covering for the foot usu. extending above the ankle  and sometimes to the 
   knee 3a: a shoe worn by actors in Greek and Roman comedy  3b: comic drama  
   4: a receptacle for savings 
2. sock vb [prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON so:kkva to cause to sink; 
   akin to OE]sincan to sink : to hit, strike, or apply forcefully  : to 
   deliver a blow : HIT 
3. sock n : a vigorous or violent blow : PUNCH