Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. close                 
1. com.pact \k*m-'pakt, ka:m-', 'ka:m-.\ aj [ME, firmly put together, fr. L 
   compactus, fr. pp. of compingere to] put together, fr. com- + pangere to 
   fasten - more at PACT 1: COMPOSED, MADE  2: closely united or packed  3: 
   not gangling or spare in appearance {a ~ body}  4: concentrated in a 
   limited area or small space {~ form}  - com.pact.ly av
2. compact or com.pact.er vt 1a: COMBINE, CONSOLIDATE  1b: COMPRESS  2: to 
   make up by connecting or combining : COMPOSE  : to become compacted  - 
   com.pact.or n
3. com.pact \'ka:m-.pakt\ n 1: a small cosmetic case  2: a relatively small 
4. com.pact \'ka:m-.pakt\ n [L compactum, fr. neut. of compactus, pp. of 
   compacisci to ma]ke an agreement, fr. com- + pacisci to contract : an 
   agreement or covenant between two or more parties