Cross references:
1. lean 2. meager
1. spare \'spa(*)r, 'spe(*)r\ vb [ME sparen, fr. OE sparian; akin to OHG
sparo-n to spare,]OE spr, adj., spare 1: to forbear to destroy,
punish, or harm 2: to refrain from attacking or reprimanding with
necessary or salutary se verity 3: to relieve of the necessity of doing or
undergoing something : EXE MPT 4: to refrain from : AVOID 5: to use
frugally 6a: to give up as not strictly needed 6b: to have left over or
as margin {time to ~} 1: to be frugal 2: to refrain from doing harm : be
lenient - n
2. spare aj [ME, fr. OE spr; akin to OSlav sporubreve> abundan]t, OE
spe-d prosperity - more at SPEED 1: not being used; esp : held for
emergency use 2: being over and above what is needed : SUPERFLUOUS 3: not
liberal or profuse : SPARING 4: somewhat thin 5: not abundant or
plentiful : SCANTY - av
3. spare n 1a: a spare tire 1b: one duplicate kept in reserve 2: the
knocking down of all 10 pins with the first 2 bowls of a frame in bo wling