Webster's English Dictionary

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pro.fi.cient \pr*-'fish-*nt\ aj [L proficient-, proficiens, prp. of 
   proficere to go forward,]accomplish, fr. pro- forward + facere to make - 
   more at PRO-, DO : well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of 
   knowledge : ADEP TERT mean having great knowledge and experience in a trade 
   or profession. PROFICIENT implies a thorough competence derived from 
   training and practice; ADEPT implies special aptitude as well as 
   proficiency; SKILLED stresses mastery of technique; SKILLFUL implies 
   individual dexterity in execution or performance; EXPERT implies 
   extraordinary proficiency and often connotes knowledge as well as technical 
   skill - proficient n SYN syn PROFICIENT, ADEPT, SKILLED, SKILLFUL, EXP