Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.pos.ite \ka:m-'pa:z-*t, k*m-\ aj [L compositus, pp. of componere] : 
   made up of distinct parts : as  cap  : relating to or being a modification 
   of the Corinthian order combining  angular Ionic volutes with the 
   acanthus-circled bell of the Corinthian : of or relating to a very large 
   family (Compositae) of dicotyledonous h erbs, shrubs, and trees often held 
   to be the most highly evolved plants and characterized by florets arranged 
   in dense heads that resemble single flowers : made up of two or more 
   integral or real rational prime factors  - com.pos.ite.ly av
2. composite n 1: something composite : COMPOUND  2: a composite plant