Webster's English Dictionary

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1. prime \'pri-m\ n [ME, fr. OE pri-m, fr. L prima hora first hour] often 
   cap  1a: the second of the canonical hours  1b: the 1st hour of the day  
   2a: the earliest stage  2b: SPRING  2c: YOUTH  3: the most active, 
   thriving, or successful stage or period  4: the chief or best individual or 
   part : PICK  5: a number that has no factor except itself and one  6: 
   UNISON  7: the first of the eight defensive positions in fencing  8: the 
   symbol <prime> 
2. prime aj [ME, fr. MF, fem. of prin first, fr. L primus; akin to L priorX 
   1: first in time : ORIGINAL  2a: having no factor except itself and one {3 
   is a ~ number}  2b: having no common factor except one {12 and 25 are 
   relatively ~ } 3a: first in rank, authority, or significance : PRINCIPAL  
   3b: first in excellence, quality, or value {~ beef}  4: not deriving from 
   something else : PRIMARY  - prime.ly av
3. prime vb [prob. fr. 1prime] 1: FILL, LOAD  2: to prepare for firing by 
   supplying with priming or a primer  3: to lay the first color, coating, or 
   preparation on in painting  4: to put into working order by filling or 
   charging with something  5: to instruct beforehand : COACH  6: STIMULATE  : 
   to become prime