Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. acknowledge           
con.fess \k*n-'fes\ vb [ME confessen, fr. MF confesser, fr. OF, fr. confes 
   having co]nfessed, fr. L confessus, pp. of confite-ri to confess, fr. com- 
   + fate-ri to confess; akin to L fari to speak - more at BAN 1: to make 
   acknowledgment of : ADMIT  2: to acknowledge to God or to a priest; specif 
   : to receive the c onfession of (a penitent) 3: to declare faith in or 
   adherence to : PROFESS  4: to give evidence of  1a: to disclose one's 
   faults; specif : to unburden one's sins or t he state of one's conscience 
   to God or to a priest 1b: to hear a confession  2: ADMIT, OWN